Saturday, December 28, 2019

While reading Colin Beavan’s No Impact Man, I had a bit of...

While reading Colin Beavan’s No Impact Man, I had a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. One of my underlying thoughts throughout the whole book was, â€Å"Well damn, I am so sure I would never, ever, be able to do most of this in my life.† In all honesty, it at first made me feel kind of bad about how I lived; it made me feel as though I did not do enough for the environment and thought only of myself. The first thing that came to mind when I learned what this book was even about was a short online quiz of sorts. The purpose of the quiz was to determine how many planet Earth’s we would need if everyone on Earth lived how I did. My result was that over five planets would be needed. This made me think about how while I was using over five†¦show more content†¦My reaction to the title of this chapter was something along the lines of, â€Å"Well he is doing it obviously because he is a guilty do good liberal†. I thought it was a really interesting thing that Beavan is a liberal. Liberals are generally open to newer behaviors and opinions and are much more likely to do things untraditionally. On the surface, Beavan appears to fit the precise definition of liberal; there are not many things that go against the norm of society more than what he did. Our values right now are mostly geared towards industrialization and entertainment, meaning factories and electricity and television and food. Beavan, being the liberal he is, decided he wanted to go against what people everywhere have been doing, and attempt to live with no environmental impact. But I do not necessarily think his â€Å"No Impact† project was a liberal thing to do. In fact, I think his choice was possibly the most conservative of conservative things anyone has ever done in recent history. Beavan attempted to live as environmentally friendly as possible for a year, even choosing to go without electricity. I can only think of one group of people that live in modern ti mes without electricity, the Amish. The Amish people are just about the most conservative people, both politically and religiously but also more importantly environmentally, I could possibly imagine. This thought made me question his background of a liberal as he made a choice that has so much in common of one

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